Sunday, August 29, 2021

The Anti-Vax Protesters

The reason why these protesters are so angry is because they know that they are going to lose. They will either have to suck it up and take the two needles or they will be left out of society.

The momentum in the private sector to deny unvaccinated people access to goods and services is growing. Private companies know that if someone contracts Covid while they are in their establishment they will be sued. For small businesses that would mean going out of business. For big business that would mean bad press and a smaller bottom line. That momentum will only increase as vaccine passports and mandates are instituted. 

As a result the anti-vaxxers are becoming rather frightened and desperate. Hence the over-the-top displays that we are starting to see at Liberal events. If, as expected, the Ford government announces the institution of a provincial vaccine passport then that fear and desperation will only intensify. 

Over 75% of Canadians are fully vaccinated and that percentage increases every day. These people are definitely in an ever shrinking minority but that does not mean that they will go quietly. The election provides them with the perfect way to vent their anger and they are going to use it. It will not help them but they will still do it.


Jackie Blue said...

They're threatening Justin Trudeau's life and that of his candidates. Even his family. Vandalizing signs and disrupting Liberal events. I don't believe this is organic either. It's coordinated and paid for. I don't think it'll be investigated either. Someone at one of the protests said that there are even cops who are on their side.

The smug press gallery hounded that poor civil servant out on a rail during the SNC brouhaha, but he was right about the escalation of violence and intimidation becoming a menace in Canada. There is so much hate right now and they support the party that wants to have AR-15s flowing freely throughout the country. But in general they support hatred of Liberals and Justin Trudeau in particular. Or the Trudeau name.

The core of it is anti-vax, but more broadly it's a fomented hate movement against the incumbent PM. Parties with their negative and dishonest rhetoric help to foster this and so does media helping them out.

He truly is the male Hillary Clinton. That's the only other circumstance I've seen this level of venom towards an elected official. Honestly I don't even think Barack Obama got this much. A lot, certainly, and for obvious reasons. But the media excepting Fox was generally fair to him whereas with Clinton it was all out hate.

ottlib said...

That might be true if these protesters were just there to protest against the Liberals and the PM. However, these people are there to protest against a specific issue, namely Covid vaccines, and vaccine passports and mandates.

If they continue they will just remind Canadians of how well the Liberals worked to get vaccines into the country and the party can actually use the protests to highlight their promises for Federal vaccine mandates and their offer of cash to the Provinces for vaccine passports. (Two extremely popular policy proposals)

The Conservatives and the NDP desperately want this election to be about anything but the pandemic because the Liberals' handling of it has created a tremendous amount of goodwill among Canadians to them. These protesters are actually working against that goal.

Incidentally, this is one reason why I believe the Liberals will win. Once Canadians actually have to make a decision, instead of just talking to pollsters, they will remember where we are, how be got here and why we got here.

If these protesters become part of the story of the next three weeks that would be bad news for the Opposition Parties and I think they will become part of the story because all of the media following the PM will not be able to ignore them. They will have no choice but to report on them and having video similar to what we saw Friday night on the nightly news, again and again, while Justin Trudeau resolutely continues his campaign will have a positive impact on the Liberal campaign. The media will try to spin them but that will be difficult when everybody can see with their own eyes what these people are saying and doing.

So, if as the theory goes, these people are paid to protest they will suddenly disappear. Those paying them will realize that their presence could become counterproductive. If they continue then we know they are spontaneous and the Conservatives and NDP will have to grit their teeth and hope these people do not make the rest of this election about the pandemic and how the Liberals handled it.

ottlib said...

For a second event in a row protesters have made a scene at a Liberal campaign announcement and for the second time in a row the PM has provided a strong, passionate response to questions about them. (In both official languages)

For the past two weeks it seemed that Mr. Trudeau was rather low energy. Understandable considering that he was just setting up the next three weeks. Now these protests and the time of the election seems to have rekindled the fire in his belly.