Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Looks like John and Pierre lost the argument

A Throne speech that goes out of its way to mention reducing Public Service pensions and public service spending (read wage freezes) and this even before a budget is released.

This is not good news for John Baird and his familier to the South.

I am certain they have been trying to fend off these measures, knowing the effect they could have on their re-election prospects, but it would appear they failed.

It is certainly going to look good seeing Ottawa, West Quebec and Eastern Ontario awash in Liberal red again.


Sophie'sMom said...

except, sadly, for Renfrew-Nippising-Pembroke, which sadly will probably be retained by Cheryl Gallant.

Sophie'sMom said...

except, sadly, for Renfrew-Nippising-Pembroke, which sadly will probably be retained by Cheryl Gallant.

Karen said...

How Cheryl Gallant retains...well anything, is beyond most of us.

How can an entire riding be so....? Oh you fill in the word.

ottlib said...

This was the same riding that elected Heck Cloutier.

A Liberal, but an odd and colourful character as well, to say the least.

I think the folks of that riding just like to send these types of people to Ottawa, regardless of political affiliation.