Thursday, May 11, 2023

Passports, really?

How silly is our politics when the big story of yesterday was the release of the new Canadian passport? The amount of ink and bandwidth wasted talking about it was amazing. And yes I know I am adding to that with this comment but is was so preposterous that I just could not ignore it.

By the way I have passports going back 20 years. Each one is different from the previous one. So the fact they changed it this time is neither remarkable or significant.

1 comment:

jrkrideau said...

But, but, the image of {whatever---goes to drawer, withdraws passport---checks images the Inuksuk } is gone. Wait a minute, this is a new passport issued this May. Did my old passport have an Inuksuk? Damn if I know and I did not ask for it to be returned.

What I found interesting the new passport still says " the name of Her Majesty the Queen..."

It is good to see that the passport office is keeping up with current events.